Editorial Services
Below is a list of the most-common services that Paper Poppy Editorial provides. Though I specialize in inclusive and diverse romance, YA, and commercial fiction, I have the skill and enthusiasm to help with any creative project you have in mind, offering à la carte services if you require something a little more customized. Simply drop me a line via the contact page and I’ll be happy to see what I can do for you!
Please note that for all full manuscript services, I’m typically booking a few months in advance; contact me today to reserve your spot. For all full manuscript services, a free-of-charge, 3-4 page sample edit can be provided upon request, to ensure a good editor/client fit. Turnaround times vary by project and requested level of service, but for most full-manuscript services, a turnaround time of 3-4 weeks from when I receive your materials is typical. In some cases, rush service may be available for an additional fee.
After the level of service and completion date have been mutually agreed upon, payment will be broken into two installments, with 50% due upfront, and the balance due upon completion of the work, adjusted to account for any changes in the final word count. Please note that for all new clients requesting full manuscript services, a $100 deposit, to be applied toward your first payment installment, is due upon booking, to reserve your spot. Alternate payment arrangements may be possible for referrals, returning clients, or by special request. Once the work commences, I’m happy to provide progress updates and answer any questions as they arise. I’m a big fan of open communication 🙂
Editorial Assessment
starting at
$0.02 per word
Not sweating the small stuff? An Editorial Assessment is a top-level review of your manuscript that provides insights into the overall structure and story. I'll carefully read through your manuscript and provide you with a detailed editorial letter that outlines what you’re doing well and all the big-picture items to be addressed.
Developmental Edit
starting at
$0.03 per word
The Developmental Edit digs a little deeper than an Editorial Assessment, getting down to the roots of your story, fleshing out characters, plot, pacing, and continuity. I'll provide you with both a detailed editorial letter that addresses comprehensive plot and character development issues, as well as notes throughout the document itself (using track changes), paying careful attention to specific issues as they occur, suggesting improvements and fixes.
Line Edit
starting at
$0.028 per word
The Line Edit dives right in with a fine-toothed comb and involves a line-by-line edit that focuses on diction, flow, clarity, continuity, phrasing, repetition, and other issues with regards to style, structure, and voice. This is achieved via a combination of suggested changes in the text and comments in the margins (via track changes).
Bloom & Prune Package
discounted rates available when both edits are booked up front
This package includes both the in-depth analysis of a Developmental Edit and the nitty-gritty scrutiny of a Line Edit at a discounted rate, to give your project the TLC it needs to thrive.
Outline Assessment & Story Development
rates vary by project
Do you have a fantastic idea that you’re excited about, but you’re not sure what to do with it? A detailed story outline that feels like it’s missing some key elements? Maybe you’re nervous to dive into the writing process without some assurance that you’re on the right track? My Outline Assessment & Story Development services can help you take that spark of creative brilliance and flesh it out into a story you feel confident in writing. Rates and level of service vary depending on client needs. Please reach out via the contact form for more details.
Query Letter Services
query letter review: flat rate of $75 (includes two passes)
additional rates vary by project
Manuscript ready to go, but unsure about your query letter? The slush pile is a rough place to be. As an editor and author myself, I’ve been on both sides of it, and I’ve seen firsthand what catches an agent or editor’s attention—for better or for worse. My Query Letter Review service can help you make a great first impression, providing general edits and comments focussed on improving your pitch, format, and presentation. This service includes two passes, so we have a chance to implement suggested changes after the first pass and fine-tune things on the second. Additionally, I can help with editing, re-writing, or writing your query pitch (or entire query letter) from scratch. Rates vary depending on the project. Please reach out via the contact form for more details.
First 10/Synopsis
flat rate of $100
per service or $175 for both.
Whether you've been in the query trenches for a while or you're just starting out, many agents and editors initially want the same thing—the first ten pages of your manuscript. There's a reason for this, one I have a lot of firsthand experience with from years managing the slush pile for a major publisher: agents and editors don't have a lot of time, and usually, those first ten pages will give them a sense as to whether they want to keep reading. Your opening needs to be strong right out of the gate, hooking your reader over the span of very few pages. Nothing will get you more partial and full requests than a solid first ten. This service includes a detailed critique of either a) the first ten double-spaced pages of your manuscript, or b) your long-form synopsis (not exceeding 1000 words), or c) I can work on both at a discounted rate. These limits can be extended for an additional fee. I’m happy to discuss to meet your needs.
Sowing Seeds Submission Package
flat rate of $150 or $225 for both add-on services
The best value for an author getting ready to submit to agents and editors. The Sowing Seeds package includes a Query Letter Review and in-depth analysis of your First 10 and/or Synopsis (services as described above), all for one, discounted price.
Marketing Copy
rates vary by project
Need elegant, attention-grabbing marketing copy for your book, product, or website? I’m happy to help with that. With years of experience writing compelling back cover copy for a variety of major imprints, I know how to capture a potential customer's eye. Please contact me with a detailed description of what you're looking for and I’ll be happy to discuss!
À la Carte
rates vary by project
Have a project that's outside the box? Or maybe you're preparing your manuscript and only want help with a few trouble chapters or need a final proofread before you send it out into the world? Whether it's a speech you have to give, or piece of writing that could use a professional polish, I’m happy to help make it shine. Contact me today and tell me what you have in mind. I’m always happy to tailor my level of service accordingly and look forward to hearing about your project!